I'm making Waving Lace socks for the Lace Along.
I just finished the Cloverleaf Rib Socks for the Six Sox Knitalong (the next project won't be announced for another month).
I made 5 afghan squares for the Afghanalong(wanted to make more but was overtaken by the urge to knit sweaters).
I have the yarn but haven't started the Rogue-Along.
I'm making the Candy Sam for the Candyalong.
I want to make a top-down raglan for the Scrapalong.
I want to make a Bottoms Up! BOC for the Bottoms Up Bucket Knitalong.
I signed up today for the Tea Party knitalong.
Hmmm...I guess I like to knit along.
Here's the first cup for the Tea Party blocking on a beer bottle.

I also finished the back of the Candy Sam and Rosy is complete. I'll try to get a photo up soon but I really don't feel like wearing wool right now.