A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

July 13, 2004

Knitting Camp, the Saga Continues

Okay, I will stop with the blow by blow and just add a few more highlights from camp.

On Saturday, there was a "market" that included Mielke's Farm, Joslyn's Fiber Farm and Kimmet Yarns. I was really good at camp and didn't get anything from the Schoolhouse Press "store" but lost it at the market. I got a hank of Shine from Joslyn's in a deep merlot/purple and Twinkle Toes sock yarn in a white/yellow/celery combo. I also got a Bohus hat kit in the Red Palm colorway from Kimmet Yarns. I got $1 worth of green roving from Mielke's Farm.

Then I hunted down Diana and her spindle and got her to teach me how to spin.

She was very kind and loaned me one of her many drop spindles and showed me how to "park and draft." After a while I got a little confident and actually drop spindled. And here is what I made.

I've been meaning to knit it into a swatch but I haven't had a chance.

Another thing I forgot to mention about camp is the massages that they have during class. Anyone can go back and get a chair massage.

I have not stopped since I left for camp. I had Purlygirls on Monday, I babysat for two girls today, I had my own knittin group tonight. Tomorrow is an all day playdate then Seattle Stitch 'n Bitch and Thursday I'm hosting a playdate and then I have work at the Fiber Gallery. Man, I better go to bed now.