Okay, what was I posting about last night before Blogger got all mean on me?
I mentioned that I finished the second half of the Fir Cone scarf and grafted it to the first half. I haven't blocked the second side yet. Can you tell?
On Thursday I also started a simple ribbed hat in Magnum Chunky for a shop sample.
I worked on Backyard Leaves quite a bit this week but I kept making mistakes and ripping on Wednesday and Friday nights so I turned to the lulling simplicity of Retro Prep. It's growing nicely.
I plied, skeined and steamed everything I've spun so far. It's not terribly impressive.
The burgundy is the roving I spun on my drop spindle. The brown is the pencil roving I got last week as a gift. I spun it on the wheel but did a very poor job of joining it. As I spun it off the bobbin it broke apart at nearly every join. And the yarn that didn't break is very overspun and hard. The mint green is roving I bought about four years ago at a soapmakers' gathering to make felted soaps. I dug it out of the basement when the wheel came to visit. I also bought some ecru Finnsheep roving on Wednesday that I just started spinning yesterday. I'm trying to work on my consistency. So far the only thing consistent about my spinning is how overspun it all is.
I also received this from Rebecca on Monday night.
Click to see inside.
As the bag claims, she did give me her best. It's a bag full of alpaca! It needs to be carded probably along with some wool. I'm wondering if I can use dog brushes as cheap carders.
Yesterday I also finished the Magnum hat I started the day before.
And I played with Photodraw. Can you tell?
I think that was everything. Have a good weekend!