Am I the only spinner who gets the Rawhide theme song going through my head while I'm carding? Rolag, rolag, rolag... Probably.
Yesterday I carder and spun two giant shoe boxes full of rolags of the colorful but dirty fiber. I just need to do a tiny bit more and I'll be ready to ply it. I got Wes to help me sort it out a bit the other night. We spread it out on an old rag. When we were done there was so much dirt and debris collected. It was not to be believed. But it still just showers out dirt and crud when I card it.
I inspected some of the fiber that came yesterday. One is a prepared roving and doesn't seem to have any surprises. One is clean, dyed fleece. And it is clean! Like super-duper extra clean. And I don't think I'll even need to card it. I tried just teasing out the locks and they look really nice. I have 4 oz each of two colors. I thought about spinning them separately then plying them. It would make a really cute yarn.
Have a great weekend everyone!