I knew I was in trouble when I found a knitting pattern named after The Wrath of Khan. The frontless, bulky knit turtleneck bolero creation is something I had hoped would stay in the realm of science fiction.

Then I perked up when I saw a cardigan called Grape Vine. I love vine patterns. But this is the whole freaking vineyard. On your chest. With puffy sleeves! Oh and the colors. My eyes! My eyes!

There are lots of cool patterns available on Craftster. This is not one of them. Oh dear God. No. The name, Kawaii legwarmer des [sic], is "the legwarmers are cute" in Japanese. To which I say, "Yetis はかわいくない."*

There was the pig pot holder which could be kind of fun in a kitschy sort of way if the pig didn't look so damned pissed off. Also I love the note, "A novelty gift for the country folks, and pig collectors!!" Yeah, nothing them country folks love more than a novelty gift. Yeehaw!

And lastly, the inexplicable. It's supposed to be cattails. Why would you want to knit cattails? I think they should call it "Weenie Roast."

Yes, it's all very confusing. What the hell is all of this?
*Yetis are not cute.