A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

October 11, 2005

Breaking the Rules

Obligatory Works in Progress Photo

I broke a big knitting rule for myself yesterday. I cast on for two new socks. I have never had more than one pair going at the same time. I worry about becoming one of those knitters (you know who you are) with 8,658 half-knit socks lying around the house. Why this makes me worried I don't know. But yesterday I cast on for the second Amble and knit the ribbing. And I cast on for Conwy and knit a dozen or so rounds. Conwy is easy shmeasy. I like it. Amble isn't difficult but I have to follow the chart. I got a good chunk of Mia's back done too last night at Purlygirls. Gotta love size 8 needles. Zoom, zoom, zoom.