A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

April 18, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday's not until Friday but I've been shopping around for my gift (Wes deferred gift procuring responsibility). I wanted a portable spinning wheel. I love my Ashford Traditional but it's a pain in the ass to lug it around to spinning events. I tried out a few options, Lendrum single and double treadle and an Ashford Joy. The Lendrum double treadle was very smooth but I really don't like having to sit up straight facing the wheel. The Joy just didn't do it for me. I couldn't get a rhythm going with it and it felt a little tight and clunky. The Lendrum single was just right. I can sit in my usual slumped manner with one foot up but it still spins smoothly and quietly. I did learn to spin originally on a Lendrum I borrowed from my boss. So I decided that a Lendrum single treadle wheel would suit my needs nicely. I checked at my local shop--no Lendrums until at least June. I called Woodland Woolworks. No Lendrum single treadles in stock but would I be interested in a used wheel? Would I?! They sent me a photo.

As you can see the flyer has been replaced. No biggie. It's just want I need. No more and no less. And at a bargain price.