Rebecca invited me to join her, Meg (She just got engaged! Go congratulate her!) and Mara for a trip to Bainbridge today. (I forgot my camera.) We went for the summer sale at Churchmouse. Between working at a yarn shop and the size of my stash I wasn't too tempted by the mostly picked over yarn (the sale started yesterday morning). I did buy one thing. A button for my Sitcom Chic.
Last night was a repeat of the previous night.
Me: I'm going to finish this tonight!
Me, three seconds later after looking at a clock: It's 1 am??
Me, another three seconds later after looking at my sweater: I'll finish it tomorrow.
The yoke is such a trickster. It keeps looking like it's almost done as it gets smaller and smaller but in reality there's still a ways to go. And I have to do the front bands as well. And I got side-tracked and started a new pair of socks...More on that tomorrow.