Here is my progress on the unphotographable, screaming red sweater. The sleeves need to be longer. See that little bit on yarn there? That's all I've got. This is an unreleased color of Lamb's Pride Bulky I got as a freebie so there's no more. If I had a reasonable child I could say, "Let's make the cuffs and collar a different color! Won't that be fun?" But I have an unreasonable child who will only accept an all-red sweater and seems to think I should be able to take some wool and make more red yarn. I'm sure by the time we hash this one out he won't fit in the flinging sweater anymore. I can always send it to Dulaan.

My cardigan is zipping along. I'm almost done with the second sleeve. I just realized when I was taking the picture that I still have another inch to knit on the body before I unite the whole thing. I had been knitting it in the car on the way home from Portland and didn't have a measuring tape. I guesstimated an inch too short.
I just finished a shop sample sweater that I need to block tonight. Pictures tomorrow.
Spinning tonight!