I cast on for Spey Valley for the Knitting on the Road-along. I'm using Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in an unknown colorway. I bought it at the Seattle Knitters Guild Fiber Frenzy last year. It's a lightly variegated neutral. I don't usually use variegated for texture patterns but I think this one is working nicely. I'm really enjoying knitting these. The little lateral braid, the Vikkel braid, is very simple to work and looks so smart. I can't get a decent photo of the details right now. I took the socks outside to photograph them but it's still so dark and gray out at noon that I had to use the flash which has washed out all the details. Last night I found a Nancy Bush Flikr group. I spent far too much time uploading all my pictures. It seems I've knit 12 pairs of Nancy Bush socks and a shawl. Wow. Maybe I should start one for Evelyn Clark?
I watched a wonderful movie last night. William Wyler's Dodsworth from 1936 is a very subtle, intelligent drama (not melodrama) about the dissolution of a 20-year marriage. The cinematography is beautiful and very inventive.
And did anyone watch the pilot of The Knights of Prosperity on Wednesday? I thought it was really goofy and funny. I have a sweet spot for Donal Logue. And Mick Jagger, one of the shows producers, did a great send up of himself.
Hugo is still hanging in there. He's not showing any outward signs of illness other than the irritation in his mouth that originally sent us to the vet. He's still cute.