A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

March 4, 2007


I have hardly knit a stitch in days. I'm having a love affair with my fleece. I brought her to spinning night on Friday at the Fiber Gallery. I didn't even bring my wheel inside. I just sat with my dog comb and my fleece and prepped the locks.
Then last night I sat down with a movie and worked some more. There's still about 12 ox left to prep.

Just 12 oz left!

This bin is packed as full of fiber as it can get. I have several hours of prep left then I can comb it all with my beautiful Forsythe combs.

I've also been lazily working on the body of Poppy. I can't remember the last time I worked on flat stockinette stitch. I'm having a terrible time "adding garter ridges (as desired) and occasional stockinette stripes." Random is hard.