This is what I looked like.

The hospital has a strict Cover Your Cough policy. If you're hacking you get a mask.
Diagnosis: Sinus infection. I've been given antibiotics and the doctor told me to call back on Thursday if I wasn't starting to feel better and she'd give me stronger antibiotics. I don't want to fly with clogged up sinuses.
While knitting on my Endpaper Mitts at Purlygirls I noticed a funny spot a few inches down. I had dropped a stitch on Sunday and when I laddered it back up apparently I left one of the floats on the outside of the mitt for a few stitches! There was really no choice but to rip.

Then when I got home I dropped my taffeta project bag in the freaking gutter in the pouring rain. And it sat there all night until Wes found it this morning.

At least the yarn is superwash. I squeezed out most of the excess water in some rags and have left it out to dry. I don't know if I'll be able to salvage the bag.