A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

August 23, 2010

Oh. My. God.

I'd list all the things wrong with this but my head just exploded.


Vicki Knitorious said...

I'm just wondering how in the hell you "ran across" that in the first place... are you in the market?
; )

Anonymous said...

oh my

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh My God is correct.

Sasha said...

Snuggie centerfold!!

Karen said...

Knitting grannie in her snuggie,
or the snuggie centerfold, lovingly shared by Himself?
The mind reels.

Jody said...

UGH.....I just upchucked my breakfast.

Pandora's Box of FIber said...

Okay, if I ever took leave of my senses and bought one of those, you can bet the first thing I would do is go to a hip club and do the macarena!!!!!

*dance dance dance*

Anonymous said...

So powerful, it couldn't wait for Thursday!
-- Gretchen

insaknitty said...

holy crap. I totally thought this was a spoof, but not more than 10 minutes after seeing this on your blog, it came on my tv! it's even scarier in hd!

Anonymous said...

I like the notion of wearing it in public at a sports event. Nothing says, "Walking out in public" like a fleece dress of biblical cut.