A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

August 17, 2010

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

As I walked to get a coffee the other day I passed a sandwich board for a bar by the shop. I was really pleased that they have finally stopped spelling "tacos" with an apostrophe. When I walked back to the shop with my drink I saw the reverse side of the board.

I'm sure they were thinking, "An N goes in there somewhere."


Unknown said...

I'm not sure which is better: tacos with an apostrophe or Wendesday.

Anonymous said...

At least "Wendesday" approximates the actual pronunciation more closely than the correct spelling does. Maybe they were thinking, "isn't there an extra D in there somewhere?"
-- Gretchen

MarthaH said...

Adding an apostrophe to plural words is a real pet peeve of mine, so I'm glad you posted about that.

Jodi said...

Oh no! My least favorite error is "it's" for "its." Yikes...

Meg said...

Okay, as a dyslexic reader, it took me a minute to figure this out. However, there is no excuse for taco's. Unless his name is actually Taco. Which would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please! Don't get me started! I go nuts over apostrophe placement. I, I, I... if I say much more than that, I will lose my mind. Did you ever read the book Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss? It's all about stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, my local Mexican eatery spells Wendesday wrong too! Hahaha!!!