A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

June 2, 2004

Two Hours

That is how long it took to attach the second sleeve of Rosy in a way that I could live with. Two freaking hours. I stitched. It looked awful. I ripped. I stitched. The yarn broke. I stitched. It looked awful. I ripped. The yarn...for two hours. Tomorrow I will attempt to stitch the side and sleeve seams. Light a candle for me.

The Candy Sam is underway. (For those of you keeping track, Sam is the fourth sweater from the Cotton Angora book that I'm knitting. I'm still waiting on the damned yarn for Mia.)I've officially joined the Candy Along. Apparently I've also joined the Scrap-a-long. It's a cool idea but I don't think I have enough scraps yet.

Oh, yes. I'm famous.