A blog about my life, knitting, and other stuff.

July 31, 2004

What A Bear Wants

Darn that Corduroy! It's always "Gimme, gimme, gimme" with that bear. First he needs a new button. Then he wants a pocket. And now that bear wants a Bottoms Up! Bucket-o-Chic. Or at least that's what my six year old son told me. He said that since I made his brother socks, I needed to make a hat, sweater, pants and socks for Corduroy. I'm hoping the hat will appease him. Otherwise I'll be knitting stuffed animals clothes for the rest of my life. So here's that grubbing little bear and his new BOC made from navy Sugar 'n Cream.

I also finished my younger son's socks today.

He promptly removed them and left them on the floor. Just like a man...Trying to figure out the sewn k2 p2 rib bind off nearly did me in. I looked in Vogue Knitting and was baffled. I looked at the Scary Doll Book and was further baffled. Then I looked at The Principles of Knitting and was slightly less baffled but still not there. I spread out Principles of Knitting next to the Vogue book and about three-quarters into binding off the second sock I figured out the right way to do it. I think. Ah, what the hell. He's never going to wear them anyway.