I decided to try a stuffed toy mystery knitalong this fall. I grabbed a skein of Rowan All Seasons Cotton in a blue grey (still trying to use all of this up from 2004!). As I worked on it at my knitting group everyone kept trying to guess what it was. A mouse, they guessed. I would say I don't know and point out that the color choice was my own and not dictated by the pattern. An elephant, they guessed. Again, it's grey because I had some grey yarn. Then we got the big reveal. I was knitting a gingerbread man. A grey gingerbread man. Sigh... He has been stashed away and is waiting to be finished. Someone suggested giving him ears and calling it a mouse. We'll see.
So why would I try another mystery knit? This time it's Ysolda. I've knit a lot of her patterns and don't think there's a bad one in the bunch. I trust her. So I've joined the Follow Your Arrow KAL. I'm using two skeins of Hazel Knits Divine in a Rogue (one of a kind) colorway. This yarn is very, very well-named. It is divine.

Just heavenly to knit with. So soft, such amazing color. I think I'm going to like this KAL.
*Before the Ravelry Era
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